Last Night

Rich is out here in San Francisco for a brief visit. Yesterday, after tooling through the Fisherman’s Wharf, North Beach, and Chinatown, we went back to the apartment for a spell.

For dinner, we went to Yabbie’s Coastal Kitchen on Polk. We ate up a bunch of raw oysters, clams, mussels, shrimp, ceviche, crab, and lobster. Good dinner. Then we got some Swensen’s for dessert. Then the night really took off.

We were going to head out to North Beach to get our drink on, but we decided to hit up some Rambo and beer instead. Three Rambo movies, 1.3 gallons of Heineken, and one late-night pizza later, we hit the hay.

Awesome. Off to the A’s vs. O’s game today.

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