Category: Blatherings

  • Back Up

    Finally, my website is back up. As some of you know, my website runs on a server in my apartment. Today I got a free few moments to get the lil’ guy back up. Other things had been taking higher priority, like mopping the kitchen floor and clearing out some space in the closet.

    Still a lot of work to do!

    And a sad statistic from my trusty web server:
    root@pub0:~# uptime
    16:52:11 up 13 min, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.06, 0.05

  • I’m Moving

    So after almost three years of living in beautiful Russian Hill, what with its…hills, restaurants, views, architecture, staircases, bars, cable cars and even the world’s most famous crooked street, I am moving to the Tenderloin. Except for the facts that it, too, is very densely populated and is also downtown (whereas Russian Hill was at least “downtownish”), the Tenderloin is the polar opposite of Russian Hill. While Russian Hill is mostly filled with 20-30something yuppies and professionals (not to be confused with the Southern Californians in Cow Hollow and the Marina), the Tenderloin is filled with working class folks, minorities, and the homeless, not to mention a smattering of ne’er-do-wells.

    Although I certainly appreciate how nice Russian Hill is, on a rare occasion it is too nice for its own good. For example, the upscale grocery store does not sell American cheese. I thoroughly enjoy the grocery store, but not selling American cheese just kind of screams of pretension. And I only know of one sandwich shop, some five blocks away. In fact, a middle eastern sandwich and salad shop has closed down a few blocks from me and replaced with – another – wine bar. A local antique store has been replaced with a lingerie store. However slowly it is changing, the neighborhood is certainly changing.

    Contrast this with the new neighborhood. The downside is certainly that it is not nearly as nice as Russian Hill, not by a long shot. The Tenderloin is essentially the homeless capital of San Francisco, a city with arguably the worst homeless problem in the United States. However, the upside is that the neighborhood definitely feels more “real.” There are several sandwich shops and cheap restaurants in the area. I am sure you could find American cheese at any of the 5-10 corner stores in a two-block radius. Things like a community center and the YMCA are just a block away.

    Other perks are that the new place is just a 5-minute walk from work compared to my current 35-minute walk. Not that I mind my walk now. It is actually very nice getting that exercise. I am sure I’ll find other ways to get that exercise. Getting home from school will now take 30-45 minutes compared with 45-75 minutes. That is a big plus. I am very close to a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) station. Just a several-minute walk from the main library and City Hall. Actually, I think I will be using the City Hall steps to run up in the morning.

    As for the apartment itself, the building is very nice. It is nicer than my current building and the building and the apartment certainly have more character. Higher ceilings, bay windows. I am now on the third floor with a view of the street. My current apartment is quiet whereas the new one is noisier, which I view as a good thing. I think it is good to always have some life and activity going on around me. And of course if I need to drown it all out I can just put on some headphones.

    The most important reason on why I am moving is because I will be saving a few hundred dollars in rent. That will be nice. Without further ado, here are some pictures.

  • Forgetful

    Damn it. The bummer about waking up at 4:30am is that I don’t remember things too well. Hence, I forgot my iPod and all of my toiletries.

  • I Have a Niece! And Other Announcements.

    I have a niece! My brother is a father! My sister-in-law is a mother! My mother is a grandmother! My grandmother is a great grandmother! It’s a girl! All on the same day.

  • Vacation

    In just 10 days I will be getting a nice break, a break that will likely include diaper-changing duties (or is it “doodies?” Sorry, I had to do it). I haven’t had a vacation since December…which seems to be a long time for me. In case this confuses any of my loyal readers, I will be going to Maryland for a week for the birth of my new niece or nephew! Looking forward to it.

    Although the break that I am already having is nice in and of itself. Since my semester is over I am definitely more relaxed. I’ve hosted a couple of sets of couch surfers and have been having a good time with them. Tonight it is a bonfire on Ocean Beach! Last weekend I had my first 6.5-hour World of Warcraft session in a long time.

  • Let’s Get This Party Started!

    The semester is over! And I have off on Monday!

    I’ve worked really hard this semester. True, I’ve played hard at times too. But I haven’t had a great chance to just relax. So I am going to do just that this weekend.

  • One-legged Two-legged Man

    On my walk to work today, I saw a man sitting on the stairs that had his legs so perfectly aligned with each other that at first I thought he only had one leg.

  • Newegg Warehouse

    I like Newegg. I like efficient and large-scale operations. I like Anandtech. I like this article.

  • What’s a (Lazy) Man to Do?

    I have been sending my laundry out for wash and fold service. It isn’t much more expensive than washing the clothes myself and it saves a whole lot of time.

    The first place I tried was good but they fumbled my pickup date. Said it would be ready at a certain time, I show up, it wasn’t ready. They tell me to come back at another time, I show up, again, not ready. Finally it was ready on the final time they told me to show. But I was ready for a different place.

    The second place had my stuff ready when they said it would be ready. Except they said that it would be about four days. On more than one occasion. I decided this was too long to be without the majority of my clothes.

    I hoped I had hit gold on the third place. And I thought I had. Until today when I was going through some of my clothes and found that they got some bleach on one of my black shirts.

    Argh…must find another place now.

  • Suspense

    The UPS guy showed up today while I wasn’t home. I let him into the security door with my cell phone. I am excited to find out what was delivered – I’ve ordered a few things in the past few days.