Category: Blatherings

  • Oatmeal

    God damn, I love oatmeal.

  • Ipod Resurrection and Sacrifice

    William/Will/Billy/Oogablah lent me his Ipod. I sacrificed it to the Apple gods, took the 10GB hard drive out, and replaced my dead 40GB hard drive. It’s like getting an inferior kidney from a family member. Better than your now defunct kidney but it’s not as good as you once were.

    I did cut my finger though opening William’s Ipod.

  • More Posts

    I think I am going to start posting more. And start posting more mundane, everyday things…like Twitter. That should help to get rid of all those pesky readers.

    First one of the new style: I just watched water boil. It didn’t take that long, but I grew impatient nonetheless.

  • Construction in the Alley

    I love it how for 2.5 years the people outside of my window on the other side of the alley seem to have been working on constructing something (constructing what? don’t ask me) on and off the whole time.

  • My Ear

    It started as the flu. Then it turned into a sinus infection. Then I supposedly got another cold. The doctor gave me some medicine. The nasal congestion and cough cleared up (for the most part). My left ear still felt clogged. I went back to the doctor’s today and he said it wasn’t congested but it was now inflamed. Ugh. Now I have ear drops. Which I have to use four times daily. For ten days. I’ll also have an appointment with an ear/nose/throat specialist if the prescription doesn’t help.

    All I want is to be able to hear well again out of my left ear! Enough already, argh!

  • Vibrating Eye

    My eye vibrated for a second there. Was it the caffeine or the bass? I don’t know, I think maybe it was the awesome.

    I am feeling good about my Foundry test tomorrow.

  • About to Fall Off the Wagon

    Got a LONG night ahead of me. Going to do a 2-day caffeine binge and then stop again…hopefully it won’t bring on a migraine.

  • Caltrain

    If I worked for Caltrain, I would have an uncontrollable urge to yell “All aboard!” from time to time. It would be awesome.

  • I Lost It! Wheee!

    I never thought I would be one of those people that said they wanted to lose something or have something get stolen so they could have an excuse to get a new/different one of whatever that was. Well I have become one of those people. You see, I bought this wool coat at Target a few years ago for $50. I liked it a lot at the time, but I have been wanting a different coat for a while now. The old one had gotten worn down and faded. But I could never find a new one that I liked at a decent price. I didn’t look very hard, either. After all, I already had a coat!

    Well last night I finally officially lost the old coat. I think I left it in the City College Mission Campus Cafe. Oh well! Time to go coat hunting!

  • I Am Going to Bitch for a Little Bit

    Several things to bitch about today:
    – Someone, caller ID “unknown,” called me at 6:30am today. I didn’t pick up in time to bitch them out, and they didn’t leave a message.
    – I have recently been reorganizing my apartment. So my alarm clock isn’t hooked up, and I have been using my cell phone as an alarm. The cell phone alarm went off way early, at like 7am, and then started going off TWICE once it reached the time it was actually supposed to go off.
    – I went to bed early last night, around 11pm, and still didn’t wake up in time to eat breakfast. I hate not being a morning person sometimes. I did bring a PB&J with me to work though.
    – Having woken up late like usual, but this time a little bit later, I decided to take the bus instead of walk. I looked at – next bus in 17 minutes. I walked anyway – it was faster this morning.
    – Last night after class, I wanted to take the 28 bus home, which doesn’t require any transfers. I checked my phone, again, and it said 63 minutes until the next bus. I have found that is horribly incomplete for this bus line, but I didn’t want to chance that it would actually be correct. So I took the M instead and got off at Van Ness. There are two bus lines that run on Van Ness. The 47 and the 49. The 47 was an 18-minute wait, and the 49 was a 12-minute wait. I decided to just start walking. I walked the 1.4 miles without being passed by a single bus. I think this happens about a third of the time that I try to board a bus from here at this time of night. Overall it took me an hour to go 8.5 miles. *start sarcasm* Ah, the joys of not having a car. *end sarcasm*

    And, I think that is all I have to bitch about from the past 12 hours.