
  • Minesweeper

    I’m mildly addicted to Minesweeper. I found a good site with a brief tutorial:

  • San Francisco Restaurants

    San Francisco has the highest amount of restaurants per capita. I love it. There are so many different choices for food that I’ll never run out. Within walking distance of my apartment there is:
    – pizza
    – Thai
    – Italian
    – Brazilian
    – Chinese
    – Indian
    – Mexican
    – Spanish
    – Japanese/sushi
    – ice cream
    – burgers
    – Vietnamese
    – French
    – American

    And near work there is:
    – Italian
    – Thai
    – Vietnamese
    – Turkish
    – Indian
    – Soup
    – Indian

    I definitely prefer the restaurant scene near home more, but I am discovering more and more hidden treasures near work. My favorites near work are Little Delhi, Anatolian Kitchen, Split Pea Seduction, King of Thai Noodle, and Little Joe’s. My favorites near home are Zarzuela, Okoze, Za Pizza, Escape From New York Pizza, Lemongrass, Gary Danko, and Swensen’s. Yum!

  • Current State of Activism

    Here are the things that the current leaders of various activist movements suggest that you do:

    For Impeachment of Bush/Cheney: wear orange
    For Global Warming: Change your lightbulbs. Give us money.
    For the Iraq War: Protest for two hours every two months.

    I’m really getting sick of this. The message needs to change.

  • Mercenary War

    From CounterPunch, Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army, writes:

    If you think the U.S. has only 160,000 troops in Iraq, think again.

    With almost no congressional oversight and even less public awareness, the Bush administration has more than doubled the size of the U.S. occupation through the use of private war companies.

    There are now almost 200,000 private “contractors” deployed in Iraq by Washington. This means that U.S. military forces in Iraq are now outsized by a coalition of billing corporations whose actions go largely unmonitored and whose crimes are virtually unpunished.

    Read the full article.

  • Root Beer Cupcakes

    OK, I really want to make some of these: Root Beer Float Cupcakes

  • San Francisco Mayoral Race

    The 2007 San Francisco mayoral race will officially suck. Gavin Newsom is running for reelection and he doesn’t have any serious challengers. Matt Gonzales has announced he will not seek the office and Chris Daly has decided again that he will not run.

    Now, I am not a huge Newsom hater. Actually I’d say that overall I approve of the job he is doing. But if Gonzales or Daly were running, I’d probably vote for one of those two. Also any way you look at it, especially with the city’s instant runoff voting, more choices are better. Right now the most serious contenders are Josh Wolf, the previously jailed journalist/blogger whose platform includes making San Francisco sovereign, and Chicken John, some performer/artsy type guy whose platform seems to mostly consist of “if we just make more art all of our problems will go away.”

    I guess there’s always 2011 for an exciting mayoral race…

  • Well That Felt Good

    I’ve recently been hooking up with the San Francisco A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition. I went to a general meeting two weeks ago where I listened to some really bright people talk about recent developments in national and world affairs, ranging from Iraq to Iran to Jena, Louisiana. And then there was discussion about what is currently being done to remedy the problems they were talking about.

    This really sounded great to me and I wanted to get more involved. I went to the next meeting this past Tuesday where I was able to do some actual work. Some frustration lately has been that all the other groups seem to be all talk and no action.

    Myself and two other people got out on the streets and put up fliers for an anti-war rally in San Francisco and a movie that was showing tonight. We had a great time just chatting it up and stopping at every light post to put up a flier. They were actually my age, which was a nice change from the other groups that I have tried to get involved in. We also spoke with a few people on the street, including a drunk Spanish-speaking man who was saying something about having been a guerrilla in Guatemala.

    One area of disappointment was that one person I was out there with I think was only out there because his mom was involved with the group. He actually said that he likes John McCain. John McCain? Mr. Escalation? And he’s out there putting up anti-war posters? Strange, but I guess actions speak louder than words.

    I am looking forward to doing more things with these folks.

  • Garnett Trade

    Celtics land Garnett in unprecedented 7-for-1 deal

    Prediction: Even with Garnett, Pierce, and Allen, The Celtics will only have a 50-win season anyway.

  • Maynard

    Holy crap. I love finding new songs by my favorite artists.

    Maynard James Keenan sang Where The Streets Have No Name on the Axis of Justice: Concert Series, Vol. 1 album.

  • Media Corrections We’d Like to See

    I’ve been catching up on my CounterPunch tonight. Check out this short article: Media Corrections We’d Like to See