
  • Libby Fiasco Just Got Worse

    I was extremely pissed off when I heard that Scooter Libby’s sentence has been commuted. Why should this asshole be able to get off scot free for revealing the identity of an undercover CIA agent as part of the plot to quiet critics of the impending Iraq War, a war which has cost Iraqi approximately 1 million lives, cost the United States a few thousand lives, and resulted in millions of Iraqi refugees?

    As I have said to a few other people, if there were an immediate call for a demonstration at City Hall involving sleeping overnight in sleeping bags…I’d be there. Maybe if I don’t hear anything in the next day or so I’ll organize some sort of demonstration.

    The abuse of power that has taken place today is ridiculous. If it isn’t technically criminal, it should be.

  • Supreme Court Ages

    The Supreme Court has been in the news a lot recently. This has prompted me to check them out on Wikipedia. A bit disappointing for a flaming liberal like myself are the ages of the justices and how they align with their record on progressive causes. The justices, sorted in order of descending age, with their political leanings, below.

    Stevens, 87, liberal
    Ginsburg, 74, liberal
    Scalia, 71, conservative
    Kennedy, 70, moderate
    Breyer, 68, liberal
    Souter, 67, liberal
    Thomas, 59, conservative
    Alito, 57, conservative
    Roberts, 52, conservative

    So the three youngest are conservative. The two oldest are liberal. I just hope someone decent gets into the White House in case one of these old fogies croaks. Imagine Giuliani getting elected and Stevens biting the dust. I am sure he’d appoint another conservative like Roberts. Then it would be 5 vs. 3 vs. 1. But I am pretty sure the House and Senate are still going to end up Democrat and the presidency will go to a Democrat. I guess the question then becomes…even if it is a Democrat, is that going to do us any good. I feel very confident in Edwards and Obama doing the right thing, and somewhat confident in Clinton doing the right thing. She may be a war monger but I don’t see her screwing up the Supreme Court for some reason.

  • 10am

    On Sunday, September 9, 2007 at 10am, I intend to be at Greens Sports Bar sipping my first Bloody Mary and watching the Redskins play the Dolphins. Damn. Over two months away.

    Update: What have I committed myself to? Here are the ingredients for a Bloody Mary, from Wikipedia:
    * 2 parts vodka
    * 3 parts tomato juice
    * Ground salt and pepper
    * 6 dashes of Worcestershire sauce
    * 5 drops Tabasco
    * 1 tsp. celery salt
    * 1 tsp. horseradish
    * Dash of lemon or lime juice
    * Dash of orange juice (optional)

  • Brzezinski Rejects Paris Hilton Story

    I wonder if she will get canned for this.

  • San Francisco Budget

    Wow, San Francisco has the highest city budget per capita in the United States.

    How about some better public transport out of that massive budget, eh?

  • iPhone

    I just watched this short video about the iPhone and I have to say that I’m not that impressed. The thing I like most about it is the visual voicemail, which when you think about it isn’t a very advanced feature, but for some reason other phones don’t have it. Basically it just presents you with a list of your voicemails so you can skip to the one you want rather than listening to them all in order.

    As for all the other features, I say “meh.” My Cingular 3125 has got it already.

  • I Guess I’m a Wimp

    Warning: This post not for the squeamish.

    So I went to Kaiser today to get my ingrown toenail taken care of on my right big toe. The doctor rubbed my toe with some reddish-brown stuff, sprayed on this super cold stuff, and then injected some intense pain killer right next to/into my two main nerves in my toe. I think it was about this time that the doctor asked me if I felt OK. “Yeah, I feel fine,” I replied. He asked me if I felt sick to my stomach at all. No, I didn’t. He then took my pulse. He had the nurse in there to put a cool towel over my head and give me some ice water while the doctor removed about 1/4 of my toenail. I had no idea that I was about to faint, but they said it was pretty obvious, and it happens pretty often. I guess that makes me feel a little bit better. But I keep telling myself that it was because it was 2pm and I hadn’t eaten yet.

    Also, I am impressed. Impressed with my toenail that the doctor called “one of the most impressive ingrown toenails he has ever seen” and that if there were an ingrown toenail exhibit at a museum, my toenail would be in it.

    I was more impressed with the doctor and the whole procedure. As they are removing 1/4 of my toenail, the only thing I felt was the doctor grabbing my toe. I think I was so nervous because I was expecting a lot of pain. I figured they’d be snipping the toenail right down to the root and it would hurt a lot. But the worst part of the whole procedure was when he was injecting the pain killer next to my nerves. And that only pinched a little bit.

    Hopefully my toe will be less numb tomorrow morning and I can walk to work still.

    This whole ordeal has impressed upon me that I need to take a little bit better care of myself. If I had gone to Kaiser soon after I noticed a problem, rather than two weeks later, the whole experience probably would have been a lot more pleasant.

  • New Approval Rating Low

    I would really like to see Bush’s approval rating dip below 20% by the time he leaves office. It has hit a new low, 26% in a Newsweek poll. All the numbers here.

  • Minimum Wage on 30 Days

    William and I watched the first episode of 30 Days today as we were waiting for World of Warcraft to install on his laptop. It was showing what it is like to live on minimum wage in America. I think it may have a rather profound effect on my personal spending habits. Just thinking about how little other people have really puts things into perspective.

  • Pardon the Interruption

    My DMZ switch at home went dead. It served me well for a few years…but a enterprise switch it was not. My website proceeded to go down because of this. Back up now! Welcome back 🙂