
  • Hurdles to Combating Global Warming

    I am organizing a Russian Hill global warming group through some postings on Craigslist. Our first meeting is tonight.

    I am sitting in Starbucks trying to do my homework to answer some questions and get some ideas ahead of the meeting. Some questions are:
    – What are the man-made causes of global warming?
    We know the general list. Cars, trucks, airplanes, most power plants, deforestation. But in order to do something about the problem, we need numbers. We need to know where our efforts will have the most effect. A quick Google search turned up one promising link. Unfortunately it was several years old and the percentages added up to over 100%

    – Where does my electricity come from?
    This turned up even less results (0) than the first question. I have no idea where my electricty comes from. A Google search implies that very few people in the country will be able to answer this question easily. PG&E does have some information. It says that 58% of their energy comes from non or low-emitting sources. This implies that 42% comes from heavy emitting sources, but it doesn’t say explicitly.
    Update: Obviously, I was researching this while I was writing. Thanks to Wikipedia, I have a pretty good breakdown.

    – Where does my food come from?
    This one will take a bit more research, and I couldn’t expect it to be answered by a simple Google search.

    – What can I do to combat global warming?
    Most or all websites that you go to talk only of individual action. For real change in habits to take place, we need political action as well.

    Hopefully the group can put our minds together and come up with some answers and solutions.

  • Cold War

    For my book club this week, we are reading Globalization or the Age of Transition? by Immanuel Wallerstein. The essay says this about the agreements that came out of the Yalta Conference between the United States and the USSR:

    …both sides were free, indeed encouraged, to engage in vigorous, reciprocally hostile rhetoric, whose chief function seemed to be to consolidate the political control of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. over their respective zones.

    Holy crap…that is a pretty serious claim but now that I think about it, it is pretty plausible. I’ll ask the book club about that one to see if they can offer any insight.

  • Locavores

    Over the past few weeks, I have been thinking a lot about what can be done about global warming. One thing that can be done, and I don’t think enters many people’s minds, is to eat locally.

    Our food often travels thousands of miles before reaching our mouth. This is all well and good if you don’t have to worry about the consequences of how it got here. Unfortunately we do have to worry about this very thing.

    Eating locally aims to reduce this impact on the environment. On a whim, I googled “eat locally san francisco.” The first result was for Locavores, “a group of concerned culinary adventurers who are making an effort to eat only foods grown or harvested within a 100 mile radius of San Francisco for an entire month.”

    Their next eat local month is September. It looks like I am going to give this a try and see what I learn. Of course, it will be much easier for me than for someone from, say, Arizona. It seems as though Northern California has enough variety so that I will still be able to eat like a king.

  • Continues to Rock

    I couldn’t have picked a better ISP…

    So Jasper plans to roll out his own equipment, providing residential Internet access at speeds of up to 24 Mbps — nearly four times the speed of what Comcast and AT&T currently offer on their next-generation equipment. And he plans to offer that service not only to some of its 32,000 customers, but also to other small ISPs across the state. These other ISPs will be able to buy wholesale access from Sonic, replacing AT&T’s traditional role.

    Full article here.

    Basically is becoming their own phone company so they can’t get screwed over by AT&T and the FCC. Rock, rock on.

  • Learning Some New Tech

    At work, we have been messing with iSCSI and VMWare server. When you combine the two…things get really interesting.

    Basically, using Openfiler, we connected a behemoth of a server with loads of hard drives to the network in the basement, and connected a machine running VMWare server to the network on the second floor. We were then able to connect to the drives in the basement and use them, even as the root partition for the guest OS, like they were connected directly to the machine with a SCSI cable. Cool stuff.

    I might just have to use iSCSI at home. I am thinking three machines: my desktop, a Linux machine running VMWare server, and a machine running Openfiler. I could use Openfiler as one big backup partition for my desktop and use it to mount all partitions for the VMWare server.

    Of course…I already have three computers running 24/7, so there won’t be any consolidation anyway. Ah well, the geek in me (and since I am all geek, the me in me) has to always scheme of a prettier way of doing things.

  • 🙁 Gonzales

    Alberto Gonzales’ Harvard Law classmates have taken out a one-page ad in today’s Washington Post. This story is getting more interesting by the day.

  • Obama

    I wanted to like Obama, I really did. There’s still hope for him getting my vote if he reverses the things he has been putting forth lately…Read up:
    Reassessing Barack Obama
    Obama’s Military Plans Conflict with Progressive Values

    Both links from BeyondChron.

  • 1TB

    It’s official; the Hitachi 1TB SATA hard drive is on Newegg.

    Anyone got $600 to spare?

    Of course, I am partial to Western Digital, so I probably won’t get a 1TB drive until they release one. Probably within a year, I am guessing.

  • 171.5

    Reached my next milestone…I am officially below my previous low weight.

    Only 6.5 pounds to go!

    I am looking forward to eating like a normal person.