
  • w00t

    I passed test four out of four today (CIT). Passed by a lot, too 🙂

    Time to start looking for jobs. First thing’s first, though:

  • New Word for Shower

    De-stink. Credit goes to Alyssa.

  • The Prime Minister of Estonia is an Idiot

    In an article in the New York Times today, I learned that the prime minister of Estonia has read a total of one book on economics in his life. The book was by Milton Friedman. He also thought that much of the Western world used a flat tax.

    Based on these two things, he implemented a flat tax for his country. I think I would like someone that was a little more aware of what was going on running my country.

  • Finally cold

    It is finally getting cold in San Francisco. Up until about a week ago, it was staying pretty warm in the city. Low of 38 today. Nice.

  • Rent-A-Wreck

    I was thinking about making a short trip to Davis to see my buddy William sometime soon. Public transportation isn’t the easiest thing when you start heading too far east of San Francisco, so it would require a car. Now that I don’t have a car, I’d have to rent one. City CarShare wouldn’t work; it is meant for local trips, so they charge you $0.44/mile plus an hourly charge. That won’t work well for a long trip.

    I have always thought that car rental places are too expensive. I figured that one reason for this is because you always get a new car. Why do I need a new car? I don’t. Today, I happened to stumble across Rent-A-Wreck. They rent used cars at discount prices. Sounds good to me. I just did a search, and I can rent a car for $24 from Rent-A-Wreck. The lowest price I can get on Expedia is $35.

    Of course there might still be the under-25 fee from Rent-A-Wreck, which I find silly, but that is another discussion.

  • Gay-hating Barber Shop

    Here is my experience at Lombardo’s Barber Shop on Friday November 10:
    1508 Union Street (at Van Ness)
    San Francisco, CA 94123
    (415) 441-0356

    I got in the chair, and here is the conversation that ensued:

    Barber: So you live around here?

    Me: Yeah, Larkin and Union.

    Barber: Where you from originally?

    Me: I’m from Maryland. I moved here a little over a year ago.

    Barber: So what brought you to the city?

    Me: Well, I just decided that I needed to move on. So I checked out a couple of cities and ended up here.

    Barber: I just don’t see why anyone would want to live here, what with all the fags and lesbians and the high cost of living.

    Me: Well, gay people don’t really bother me. And I work in IT, so I was able to easily find a job, so the high cost of living doesn’t really bother me either.

    Barber: Well I’m a native San Franciscan, and I’ve seen this city go downhill with all the fags and lesbians. I don’t agree with live and let live.

    Me: OK, I don’t want to listen to this while I am getting a haircut.

    Barber: The nice thing about this country is that there’s freedom of speech. I’m just waiting for all the fags and lesbians to be wiped out by a fag disease.

    Me: All right, let me out, I’m going to go.

    Barber: Well I’m almost done, you might as well stay.

    Me: All right, well I sure won’t be coming back here.

    I wanted to start cussing the guy out and get in a fight with him. But instead I sat there, trying to get my heart rate back to normal. I knew that a more effective way to combat this would be to let as many people know about this as I could.

    In retrospect, however, I should have just left when I said I was going to. But hindsight is always 20/20.

    I urge you all to not patronize this barber shop, and if you live in the area, let other people know about this horrible place.


    I passed the BCRAN exam today after failing the last time by one question.

    Today (about one month too late), I read the reviews of the book I was using to study on Yeah, horrible book. The book left out so many details, where if you memorized every single thing in the whole book, you might pass barely. The only way I was able to pass was by finding some supplemental materials online to help me out.

    Anyway, it doesn’t really matter since I passed…now I just have to take the CIT exam tomorrow. I have no idea how that will go.

  • Why I Love Living in the City

    Everything is just so close. Directions to my polling place this morning (looked up afterwards, for effect):

    “1. Head from Larkin St – go 163 ft
    2. Arrive at 2200 Larkin St
    San Francisco, CA 94109”

  • My Life Was a Novel for About Five Minutes

    I got on the bus last night to take a trek to Amoeba Music in the Haight. On the bus was a man quietly playing a guitar. The guitar music made a usually mundane and ugly thing into a beautiful thing. And then the novel came to an end – The man with the guitar got off of the bus.

    I think maybe if I followed the man off of the bus the novel may have continued. But something bad may have eventually happened to the main character. I’ll save my novel for another day.

  • Spufdaboogie

    That’s the word of the night.