Every morning, or almost every morning, the streets by my apartment in the Tenderloin are cleaned. This is a good thing, but every morning it makes it look like it had rained the previous night.
Author: FourMajor
So Much Work
Losing weight is so much work. Yet I continue.
I’ve been struggling to find a go-to grocery destination near my new place.
Rainbow Grocery has very high-quality, mostly organic items, and they’re a co-op. They have a great bulk foods section. So I like that about them. But they’re pretty damn expensive. So they’ll be a once-in-a-while stop.
Trader Joe’s has good prices but bad selection and sometimes questionable produce. I can’t come here frequently if they aren’t going to have everything I need.
Of course there is Whole Foods, but we all know how expensive they are.
With those options out the window, I feel that I am left with about two options. One is Safeway. I think I’ll check them out soon. There are three within decent walking distance. But something that went through my head yesterday while I was on the bus is to do a lot of my shopping in Chinatown. Of course they aren’t going to have everything I need there, but they should have most of it. And there is a Walgreen’s there to compensate. I feel like the prices won’t be beat in Chinatown. Certainly I won’t find any organic items in Chinatown either. And it is a 1.7-mile walk.
Actually, a third option would be a Costo membership. But I am going to try out the two options above first.
Back Up
Finally, my website is back up. As some of you know, my website runs on a server in my apartment. Today I got a free few moments to get the lil’ guy back up. Other things had been taking higher priority, like mopping the kitchen floor and clearing out some space in the closet.
Still a lot of work to do!
And a sad statistic from my trusty web server:
root@pub0:~# uptime
16:52:11 up 13 min, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.06, 0.05 -
I’m Moving
So after almost three years of living in beautiful Russian Hill, what with its…hills, restaurants, views, architecture, staircases, bars, cable cars and even the world’s most famous crooked street, I am moving to the Tenderloin. Except for the facts that it, too, is very densely populated and is also downtown (whereas Russian Hill was at least “downtownish”), the Tenderloin is the polar opposite of Russian Hill. While Russian Hill is mostly filled with 20-30something yuppies and professionals (not to be confused with the Southern Californians in Cow Hollow and the Marina), the Tenderloin is filled with working class folks, minorities, and the homeless, not to mention a smattering of ne’er-do-wells.
Although I certainly appreciate how nice Russian Hill is, on a rare occasion it is too nice for its own good. For example, the upscale grocery store does not sell American cheese. I thoroughly enjoy the grocery store, but not selling American cheese just kind of screams of pretension. And I only know of one sandwich shop, some five blocks away. In fact, a middle eastern sandwich and salad shop has closed down a few blocks from me and replaced with – another – wine bar. A local antique store has been replaced with a lingerie store. However slowly it is changing, the neighborhood is certainly changing.
Contrast this with the new neighborhood. The downside is certainly that it is not nearly as nice as Russian Hill, not by a long shot. The Tenderloin is essentially the homeless capital of San Francisco, a city with arguably the worst homeless problem in the United States. However, the upside is that the neighborhood definitely feels more “real.” There are several sandwich shops and cheap restaurants in the area. I am sure you could find American cheese at any of the 5-10 corner stores in a two-block radius. Things like a community center and the YMCA are just a block away.
Other perks are that the new place is just a 5-minute walk from work compared to my current 35-minute walk. Not that I mind my walk now. It is actually very nice getting that exercise. I am sure I’ll find other ways to get that exercise. Getting home from school will now take 30-45 minutes compared with 45-75 minutes. That is a big plus. I am very close to a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) station. Just a several-minute walk from the main library and City Hall. Actually, I think I will be using the City Hall steps to run up in the morning.
As for the apartment itself, the building is very nice. It is nicer than my current building and the building and the apartment certainly have more character. Higher ceilings, bay windows. I am now on the third floor with a view of the street. My current apartment is quiet whereas the new one is noisier, which I view as a good thing. I think it is good to always have some life and activity going on around me. And of course if I need to drown it all out I can just put on some headphones.
The most important reason on why I am moving is because I will be saving a few hundred dollars in rent. That will be nice. Without further ado, here are some pictures.
Firefox 3
I am now using Firefox 3. It isn’t much different from Firefox 2. That is probably a good thing, but I don’t know if it deserves the “3” label.
Price of Oil
Holy crap, oil is $138/barrel? Times, they are a-changin’. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about how they or someone they know is now taking public transportation where they would previously drive. And GM may stop making Hummers. The high price of oil, while painful in the short term for many, will have a positive effect in the long run.
I wonder, if oil prices stay high and people continue to take public transit, if many people who previously were on the other side of the argument will now argue in favor of expanded public transportation. I would love to see that happen.
Damn it. The bummer about waking up at 4:30am is that I don’t remember things too well. Hence, I forgot my iPod and all of my toiletries.
iPod Battery, Update
I finally replaced my iPod battery. It took about 15 minutes. I let the thing run overnight. The battery now lasts about 9 hours instead of maybe 3 or 4 hours.
This will come in handy for my flight back east on Saturday.
Holy Crap
I just woke up at 6:30am…to go running.
Weight loss is going great. I like this diet/fitness plan.