Author: FourMajor

  • I’ve Been Missing Out

    I have been eating eggs almost every morning for the past few weeks – two eggs whites with one whole egg. For a while I was having scrambled eggs, which is how I’ve eaten eggs my whole life. For the past week or so, however, I have been making them sunny side up.

    Why in the world had I been eating scrambled eggs my whole life? What a waste! Sunny side up is so much better, even if it is difficult to make correctly.

  • Why I Like McClatchy

    Here’s an article that is a great example of why I like McClatchy Newspapers: Both McCain, Obama exaggerating Iran’s nuclear program

    McClatchy was one of the few, if not the only, corporate news company to do real journalism in the lead-up to the Iraq War.

  • I Have a Niece! And Other Announcements.

    I have a niece! My brother is a father! My sister-in-law is a mother! My mother is a grandmother! My grandmother is a great grandmother! It’s a girl! All on the same day.

  • Vacation

    In just 10 days I will be getting a nice break, a break that will likely include diaper-changing duties (or is it “doodies?” Sorry, I had to do it). I haven’t had a vacation since December…which seems to be a long time for me. In case this confuses any of my loyal readers, I will be going to Maryland for a week for the birth of my new niece or nephew! Looking forward to it.

    Although the break that I am already having is nice in and of itself. Since my semester is over I am definitely more relaxed. I’ve hosted a couple of sets of couch surfers and have been having a good time with them. Tonight it is a bonfire on Ocean Beach! Last weekend I had my first 6.5-hour World of Warcraft session in a long time.

  • A Warm Bristle

    I am reading a Spanish-language newspaper, my first attempts to try to learn some more Spanish. You know you aren’t translating correctly when this is the sentence you end up with “They have taken the hair in a warm bristle.”

  • P2P

    The powers that be need to take the saying “If you can’t beat them, join them” to heart. I believe that the capability of technology to serve copyrighted works illegally will not ever be defeated. Shortly after it was announced that efforts are being made to dismantle The Pirate Bay, I see this article on Slashdot about efforts to not only decentralize file sharing but to decentralize the searches for such items as well.

  • Let’s Get This Party Started!

    The semester is over! And I have off on Monday!

    I’ve worked really hard this semester. True, I’ve played hard at times too. But I haven’t had a great chance to just relax. So I am going to do just that this weekend.

  • One-legged Two-legged Man

    On my walk to work today, I saw a man sitting on the stairs that had his legs so perfectly aligned with each other that at first I thought he only had one leg.

  • Newegg Warehouse

    I like Newegg. I like efficient and large-scale operations. I like Anandtech. I like this article.