Author: FourMajor

  • Spring Break? Who Needs It?

    Strange, I actually miss going to class this week. Or maybe I just want to get my graded assignments back.

  • So Much For the Cease Fire

    The cease fire between Sadr’s forces and US-backed forces seems to be in danger as US-backed Iraqi forces attacked the Mahdi Army militia. Those “decreased fatalities” you’ve been hearing about? Get ready to say bye bye to them. From the NY Times: Fighting in Iraq Continues Amid Crackdown

  • What a Change

    What a difference it makes to not have class. I actually made dinner for myself, even if it was only eggs and oatmeal. And here it is not even 10pm, and I have time to read some before bed.

    This is a really weird feeling, but also really nice. I didn’t realize how busy I have been until just now.

  • Shelves

    I put up some shelves today with help from my buddy William. I like how they turned out:

  • Spring Break!

    A slight break. I still have to work, 9-5, and I still have plenty of schoolwork to do. Nonetheless, it is a slight break from the constant grind, the constant thinking. More later, maybe. As for tomorrow night? World of drum n bass. ‘Nuff said. (Well, ’nuff for me, and if it’s not ’nuff for you, then you don’t appreciate dnb like I do, which is probable.)

  • Inspiration

    Today I encountered the perfect example of why I moved to San Francisco: More than 100 arrested in S.F. anti-war protests

    I couldn’t ask for better inspiration than this. I am going to take some time on Sunday to just think.

  • Not Even Jackassable

    I love the history of my city: Not Even Jackassable

  • Stuff White People Like

    Out of the first 87 things, I like 26 of the items on the Stuff White People Like list. How about you?

  • Socks

    I spent my lunch hour at work yesterday looking for a decent pack of socks. Marshall’s sucked. Ross sucked. Payless didn’t have any. Nordstrom evidently doesn’t sell socks. The Adidas store had a crap selection. Even THE SOCK STORE in the mall didn’t have any normal white socks. It seems like sometimes that stores (and our lives) are filled with such high quantities of useless, pointless, overpriced crap that we can’t even find something basic, like a 6-pack of high-quality socks.

    So I ordered socks on Amazon. I never thought it would come to this. $54 of socks for 12 pairs of white and 6 pairs of black gold toe socks. Next up is boxer shorts and under shirts. Seriously, I was looking for those also and got nothing.