What Time to Go Running

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from August 3, 2008 @ 11:29:08. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Recently I have changed my routine a bit and done short runs in the morning and long runs after work. I have noticed that I run much better in the later parts of the day, hence the short runs in the morning. One other thing I noticed is that when I run in the morning, my mood and energy levels are higher throughout the day.

I took these observations and wondered if they were normal or it was just me. What I found from this site was pretty interesting. In terms of actual scientific studies it has been shown that:

Subjects who exercised at night had much larger drops in glucose levels in response to exercise than at other times of day. Exercise in the evening and at night elicited large increases in the levels of two hormones important for energy metabolism, cortisol and thyrotropin. Exercise at other times of day had much smaller effects on these hormones. In contrast, marked increases in growth hormone levels in response to exercise were not effected by the time of day.

The doc doesn’t go on to explain what that means exactly, but it seems that it means exercising at night will better increase your metabolism.

In general I think I will stick with my routine. Running in the morning some days for that good-feeling mood and increased energy. And long distance at night because I can do the distance better then and it seems like it would be more effective in burning calories.

Post Revisions:


August 3, 2008 @ 11:29:08Current Revision
Unchanged: Recently I have changed my routine a bit and done short runs in the morning and long runs after work. I have noticed that I run much better in the later parts of the day, hence the short runs in the morning. One other thing I noticed is that when I run in the morning, my mood and energy levels are higher throughout the day.Unchanged: Recently I have changed my routine a bit and done short runs in the morning and long runs after work. I have noticed that I run much better in the later parts of the day, hence the short runs in the morning. One other thing I noticed is that when I run in the morning, my mood and energy levels are higher throughout the day.
Unchanged: I took these observations and wondered if they were normal or it was just me. What I found from <a href="http:// www.ahealthyme.com/topic/ qarunwhen">this site</a> was pretty interesting. In terms of actual scientific studies it has been shown that:Unchanged: I took these observations and wondered if they were normal or it was just me. What I found from <a href="http:// www.ahealthyme.com/topic/ qarunwhen">this site</a> was pretty interesting. In terms of actual scientific studies it has been shown that:
Unchanged: <blockquote>Subjects who exercised at night had much larger drops in glucose levels in response to exercise than at other times of day. Exercise in the evening and at night elicited large increases in the levels of two hormones important for energy metabolism, cortisol and thyrotropin. Exercise at other times of day had much smaller effects on these hormones. In contrast, marked increases in growth hormone levels in response to exercise were not effected by the time of day.</blockquote>Unchanged: <blockquote>Subjects who exercised at night had much larger drops in glucose levels in response to exercise than at other times of day. Exercise in the evening and at night elicited large increases in the levels of two hormones important for energy metabolism, cortisol and thyrotropin. Exercise at other times of day had much smaller effects on these hormones. In contrast, marked increases in growth hormone levels in response to exercise were not effected by the time of day.</blockquote>
Unchanged: The doc doesn't go on to explain what that means exactly, but it seems that it means exercising at night will better increase your metabolism.Unchanged: The doc doesn't go on to explain what that means exactly, but it seems that it means exercising at night will better increase your metabolism.
Unchanged: In general I think I will stick with my routine. Running in the morning some days for that good-feeling mood and increased energy. And long distance at night because I can do the distance better then and it seems like it would be more effective in burning calories.Unchanged: In general I think I will stick with my routine. Running in the morning some days for that good-feeling mood and increased energy. And long distance at night because I can do the distance better then and it seems like it would be more effective in burning calories.
 Added: <b>Update</b>: <a href="http:// sportsmedicine.about.com/ od/anatomyandphysiology/a/ WhenToExercise.htm">This article</a> supports what I have read, and spells it out much better.

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.
