Non-automatic respect

You have probably heard the following countless times: We must respect everyone’s beliefs. Well that is, of course, unless such beliefs have already been deemed taboo.

It is unacceptable to subscribe to a belief system that does not allow equal rights for all, and I do not respect any such belief system. Take, for instance, gay marriage. Why should I respect the viewpoint that gays do not deserve equal rights? Calling gay people second-class citizens, which is essentially what such a viewpoint is doing, is hateful. It doesn’t matter that the majority of our country holds such beliefs, or that many sects of Christianity advocate such beliefs. These beliefs are still hateful and those who hold them should be called on it.

At the same time, why not listen to the arguments of a belief that you don’t respect, at least once? However twisted or wrong these particular individuals may be, some of them are very intelligent and aren’t just talking out of their ass.

See, here we have two extremes. If a belief is taboo, then we aren’t even supposed to listen to and carefully consider the arguments for said belief. On the other hand, if a belief is mainstream, then we automatically have to “respect” said belief.

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