I love where I live

I absolutely love the location of my apartment. Last night I went for a run north on Larkin street, past Ghiradelli square. As I extend my run I think I will run to the sea lions and back.

And then this morning I find out there is an anti-Wal-Mart documentary coming out soon. It will be shown in select theatres (11 total in the country). One of them is 0.6 miles from my apartment. That makes it rather easy to go to.

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  • Excuse me, but you RAN up the steps or did you go another route to and from Ghiredelli? Did you stop for a dinner-sized Hungry-Man Hot Fudge Sundae so you could make it back?How bout dem ‘Skins, eh? Thanks for the great weekend. We enjoyed seeing you and experiencing your new city even though I recognize the bitter-sweet shall we say ambiance of our visit. Good luck on your exam.

  • Yep, yep, ran up the steps. Well I think I had to walk up part of them. But my goal is to be able to do the whole thing non-stop.

    So what was bittersweet about your visit?

  • Put your nose to the books tonight and great ; ^ } luck on the test, hun. Talk to you later. Let me know when you do pass!!!