It’s weird…

…fighting against what my body is trying to tell me.
…having my hand on my knife as I walk to my car to go to work.
…being first at every stop light in the middle of downtown.
…having no one notice if I come in late.
…stepping out on the balcony and seeing people return to their cars from a night of clubbing.
…having my eyelids twitch.
…taking a nap in the break room during my lunch break.
…turning the lights on, and putting my shoes back on in the middle of the work day.
…having caffeine as a necessary substance for my job.
…needing to call people by 9am so I can catch them before they go home for dinner.
…having my superiors’ expectations lowered because they don’t think they can expect much from people that work my hours.
…having every new hire say things like, “Wow, what’s that like?” when I’m introduced as one of the European support techs.
…having our receptionist say, “Have a good night!” at 10am.
…having my senses feel numb by the time I go home.
…being used to staying up for over 24 hours straight.
…having to wake up early to spend quality time with my girlfriend (not that I mind at all, sweetie 🙂 ).

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