Yesterday, Today, and Other Things

It was a long week. I had a few consecutive days getting five or six hours of sleep, and then I went to EFF after work yesterday to send out t-shirts and such.

So I got home yesterday at about 2:30pm. Browsed the web for a bit, and decided to get some sleep at about 4pm. I told Alyssa, “OK, time to go sleep on the couch now.”

“Why are you sleeping on the couch?”, she asked.

“Because I won’t sleep long on the couch. And since it is Friday, I’ll be sleeping tonight anyway.”

I figured I would wake up in a few hours and do something. So, I put on “Remember the Titans” and layed down. I didn’t even come close to falling asleep during the movie, so I went to sleep after it was done at about 6pm.

I woke up, and the very first thought I had was, “Sweet, it is night time! I am going to go to North Beach and get some pizza and a beer.” Unfortunately, the very next thing I did was look at the clock and notice it was about 3:15am. Damn, another event missed because of my damn schedule.

Oh well, I was still tired, and might as well finish out my sleep in my bed. I stumbled into the bedroom and plopped down. Wow…I love my bed. So comfortable. So much better than sleeping on the couch.

I finally woke up again at about 7:15am this morning. Sweet…13 hours of sleep. That felt damn good. And I woke up early enough to get a good start on the day. A relaxed start, even. I just got back from the bagel store, and the bagels are delicious. Oh, and one thing I have noticed a few times is that the sell the Sunday paper AND the Saturday paper on Saturday. What the hell?

Soon, the maid(s) will be here. This is the first time I have hired maids. My apartment could definitely use a bit more cleaning attention, but I usually keep it pretty picked up. I am hiring maids not because I can’t clean, but because I want my time back. It takes way too damn long to clean. So if this works out I might hire them every other week or something. It would be nice to get some more of my free time back. Because I sure as well won’t ever be able to find a good job where I work 30-35 hours per week. So I’ll have do other things to reclaim my time.

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