Honk Shoo

Tonight is my last night working night shift. Ever.

I have kind of an unofficial list of things I will never do for work, and now I am adding this to it. My current list:
1) I will not work in a restaurant.
2) I will not sell things.
3) I will not work weekends.
4) I will not work nights.
5) I will not travel more than one hour each way.

I hope to add as many of these to the list as possible with my next job:
1) I will not work in support, no matter how high level.
2) I will not work with Windows.
3) I will not be on call.
4) I will not work an overly strict schedule. So, I’ll need some freedom on start and end times.

I am guessing that I will only be able to add about two of those with my next job. And the ultimate goal here is to become valuable enough, with knowledge, experience, and certifications, where I can eventually accomplish the following as well:
1) I will not work more than 35 hours per week.
2) I will not accept less than 4 weeks of vacation per year.
3) I will not work for a for-profit company unless they share the profits very generously with the employees.

It is going to feel so great tomorrow night to want to go to sleep, and then just go to sleep. It’s also going to be great that, if I want, I can go out and have a couple of beers at midnight. Or I can stay up until 2am playing some Eve Online with Mark. Obviously this takes a bit of self discipline, because you can’t come in to work every day on 5 hours of sleep (even though that is what I do now).

The night shift did have its perks though. I rarely had to wake up to an alarm, and I got to work by myself with no interruptions. But I think I will be able to do without those things 🙂 Time to join the “normal people.” It was going to happen sooner or later.

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