Two Movies in Two Days

Alyssa and I saw two movies in the past two days. On Thursday, we say Knocked Up, which despite hearing that it got good reviews, I was a little skeptical about seeing. I guess I didn’t find the whole “beautiful woman is impregnated by unattractive man, hilarity ensues” concept to hold much comedic potential. Boy, was I wrong. It was a hilarious movie. I don’t claim to be good at analyzing things like this, but one thing that struck me was the number of really unique characters. All of the characters seemed to have a very distinct personality and were funny in their own way. I also like that for a comedy, it was pretty long. I’d Netflix it.

Last night, we saw The Lives of Others. “The thriller/drama is about the cultural scene of East Berlin, monitored by secret agents of the Stasi, the GDR’s secret police.” (Wikipedia) I think this movie was pretty unpredictable, which was refreshing, and it kind of opened my eyes to what life in East Germany was like.

I’m not a very good critic. All I can say is that I recommend that you see these movies.

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