Supreme Court Ages

The Supreme Court has been in the news a lot recently. This has prompted me to check them out on Wikipedia. A bit disappointing for a flaming liberal like myself are the ages of the justices and how they align with their record on progressive causes. The justices, sorted in order of descending age, with their political leanings, below.

Stevens, 87, liberal
Ginsburg, 74, liberal
Scalia, 71, conservative
Kennedy, 70, moderate
Breyer, 68, liberal
Souter, 67, liberal
Thomas, 59, conservative
Alito, 57, conservative
Roberts, 52, conservative

So the three youngest are conservative. The two oldest are liberal. I just hope someone decent gets into the White House in case one of these old fogies croaks. Imagine Giuliani getting elected and Stevens biting the dust. I am sure he’d appoint another conservative like Roberts. Then it would be 5 vs. 3 vs. 1. But I am pretty sure the House and Senate are still going to end up Democrat and the presidency will go to a Democrat. I guess the question then becomes…even if it is a Democrat, is that going to do us any good. I feel very confident in Edwards and Obama doing the right thing, and somewhat confident in Clinton doing the right thing. She may be a war monger but I don’t see her screwing up the Supreme Court for some reason.

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