Belly Still There

Well I’ll have to admit that I am pretty happy with myself. Only 1.5 pounds to go and I will be at my goal of 165. Of course it has taken a remarkable amount of time to get from about 175 to 165. For some reason, the first 20-25 pounds fell right off.

While I’m happy with this and I feel much better physically, the belly is still there. It isn’t a huge belly but there is no question that it is a belly. So I don’t know…I guess I might as well keep going with the diet until the belly goes away. Actually I am thinking that if I do some daily weights and sit-ups it might help.

Or maybe I was just cursed with a body that doesn’t prioritize well. I would tell my body “ok take the belly off first and then you can take away from the arms, legs, butt, etc.” But unfortunately I don’t have that control. Not that it hasn’t gotten much smaller. It just doesn’t look like it has gotten 32 pounds smaller.

And I looked at a BMI calculator. Evidently I have to be at 159.5 or lower to not be considered overweight. So maybe my ideal weight is around 155? I really don’t know. I guess I will just have to keep looking in the mirror.

But for now I will just concentrate on those 1.5 pounds. That was my New Year’s resolution. I certainly knew I wanted to do it but I didn’t know if it was just something I was telling myself or whether I could actually do it. And if I am 165 on December 31st, I will be happy. But if I am 155 it will be even better.

Sadly, or maybe not, I have already figured out next year’s New Year’s resolution. Get out of debt! Of course I can get a head start on that…it will ease the pain of next year.

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