Western Digital 1TB

After working in a data center for six months and seeing with my own eyes the failure rate of different brands of hard drives, I will never again buy anything but Western Digital. They’re always among the most inexpensive and fastest of all the brands, too. They usually lag behind by a few months in the size category, though.

Well, thankfully, they finally reached one terabyte. I’ll probably pick up one of these in the next few months, especially considering I can put one more hard drive in my computer before I have to start just upgrading the ones that are already in there.

One more cool thing – the new drives are “green”. Go Western Digital.

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One response to “Western Digital 1TB”

  1. ben Avatar

    jesus god… now THERE’s a drive…

    Jamie and I were talking about backup possibilities… i’m thinking that in an old mini tower on a UPS = golden