Teenage Mutant Ninja San Francisco Pizza Turtles

Who do they think we are, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? You can’t just take away our pizza and expect us to stop fighting.

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One response to “Teenage Mutant Ninja San Francisco Pizza Turtles”

  1. gooby Avatar

    Holy shit… Why don’t we have pizza places like that… Sometimes just hanging out with friends until the wee hours of the night… I need pizza! And I’m still looking into getting starbuck to stay open late… You remember when we use to hang out until the wee hours and needed some coffee or something good to hold us over….. More places need to be open until 4… And why is it ok for place like macdonalds to stay open 24/7 and fast food drive throughs but not pizza places… Isn’t the drive through promoting drunk driving? While you can walk to a pizza place????