McCain Now Pro-torture

The one thing I used to like about John McCain was that he was strongly anti-torture. Why then has he voted in favor of torture? My theory is that he is desperately trying to win over the conservative voters that he evidently doesn’t have the support of. I knew he would do this on some issues, but torture seemed to be one issue that he wouldn’t change his mind on.

I am more and more scared of John McCain every day.

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4 responses to “McCain Now Pro-torture”

  1. gooby Avatar

    it’s funny now my dad’s opinion of MCcain has really changed… WOOOT!

  2. FourMajor Avatar

    Wait, he ditched McCain because of torture? If so, that is awesome…

  3. gooby Avatar

    he said he would rather have obama than McCain…. He said he is scared of McCain

  4. greg Avatar

    McCain is still a hundred times less frightening than Huckabee, but yeah. The guy clearly sold his soul to the religious right because he knew he wasn’t getting the nomination any other way.

    You’d think, as the only 2008 candidate to have ever been tortured, that he’d take a firmer stand on this one. I used to like McCain, but he’s getting ridiculous.

    On the plus side, if he’s doing things like this, we’re one step closer to President OBAMARAMA, which is OK with me.