
I spent my lunch hour at work yesterday looking for a decent pack of socks. Marshall’s sucked. Ross sucked. Payless didn’t have any. Nordstrom evidently doesn’t sell socks. The Adidas store had a crap selection. Even THE SOCK STORE in the mall didn’t have any normal white socks. It seems like sometimes that stores (and our lives) are filled with such high quantities of useless, pointless, overpriced crap that we can’t even find something basic, like a 6-pack of high-quality socks.

So I ordered socks on Amazon. I never thought it would come to this. $54 of socks for 12 pairs of white and 6 pairs of black gold toe socks. Next up is boxer shorts and under shirts. Seriously, I was looking for those also and got nothing.

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One response to “Socks”

  1. gooby Avatar

    hmm I get all day dry socks for like $6 from target :-p