I am now a Foundry Networks Certified Network Engineer (FNCNE). I like to pronounce it “Fahnooknee.” They need new people in marketing.

Anyway, passing score is 75 out of 100. Last time I got a 74. After intense cramming, especially last night, I raised my score to a 78. Haha I almost would have rather just gotten a 75.

Anyway, yeah, last night, with the help of my first caffeine in 1.5 years (and a lot of it, about 300mg total), I had the most productive mental night I have had in a long time. I spent about three hours studying for Foundry, one hour working on a rough draft for English, and one hour reading for English. To bed by 3:15am and up at 7:15am. That was after working for 12 hours. Wow…crazy. I didn’t want to go back on caffeine but in this case it was worth it, even if all it got me was four more correct answers.

Anyway, I’ll be buzzing until tonight…and then I intend to sleep very well. This is a very strange feeling, I’m very anxious, excitable, on edge, etc. Whatever ๐Ÿ™‚

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6 responses to “FNCNE”

  1. Rufus Avatar

    Congrats, well done.

  2. FourMajor Avatar

    Thanks, Scott!

    Where did you get the name Rufus from?

  3. gooby Avatar

    I knew you would have passed just matter of time :-p

  4. Rufus Avatar

    Rufus was my Grandfather, but he died when my dad was like 5. I just like the name.

  5. mummersem Avatar

    Is that pronounced FAH NOOK NEE? Or FAH NOO KNEE? Seeeeeewwwww, if asked questions that a FAHNOOKNEE would know you, of course would remember, huh? How’s it coming in English and your other classes?


  6. FourMajor Avatar


    Yes I would remember my fahnooknee questions ๐Ÿ™‚

    English is coming OK. Probably an A, maybe a B. History is going very well. Almost definitely an A in both classes. Finals start in two weeks.