
This summer I intend to learn some Spanish through self study. (That is, studying by myself, not the study of myself.) I have a three-faced approach I want to take.

I am going to buy the Rosetta Stone program, getting the set that goes through beginner to expert level. It is a bit pricey but the reviews are good. I would also like to read Don Quixote in Spanish. Lastly, I will watch some Spanish television and/or movies. I think these things are a good approach. Maybe I will even seek out a language partner.

After I get a better grasp on Spanish, which would be beyond this summer, there are other languages that I would like to learn, not necessarily fluently. I’d like to learn French so I can read certain texts in their original language. Most recently I have wanted to read Proudhon, one of the fathers of anarchism. I’d also like to learn some Arabic and a dialect of Chinese.

So there I have it. Spanish for now, and then the others for later on down the line.

Update: Earlier I forgot to mention Hebrew. For a similar, but not the same, reason as French.

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