Cycling Woes

It was great bicycling weather: cool and overcast (so I don’t sweat). At Valencia and 24th I got a flat. I noticed some glass earlier and tried to avoid it but it seems I wasn’t able to. Sure enough, pulled a piece of glass out of my tire.

I left the apartment with plenty of time to spare and I had just packed my bag with maintenance stuff: needle nose pliers, inner tube, pump, pressure gauge. So I go to replace the inner tube. It seems that the person and Valencia Cyclery did not sell me the correct size. That was a very annoying and costly mistake. Thankfully I was right at a City Carshare pod location. I reserved a Prius for the whole day and off I went. Of course this was not all great as it will end up costing me over $60 just for the car.

And now I get to go to Ocean Cyclery during lunch time to get the correct size inner tubes. Maybe have them install it for me and show me the correct procedure to do so.

Moral of the story: I don’t often get pissed. But the person that shattered glass in the street really pissed me off. And to a less extent the person at Valencia Cyclery that sold me the wrong size tube pissed me off too. Something else that pissed me off? The automated phone reservation system that City Carshare uses.

Update: The inner tube was not too big. It turns out (surprise!) that I just didn’t know how to put it on correctly.

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