Still Waiting for Video on the Web to Work

It is 2010 and video on the web is in a sorry state.
– It is choppy on all OS X web browsers, no matter the video source. It is better on Chrome and Safari, worse on Firefox, but definitely choppy on all three.
– It doesn’t work on the iPhone.
– There is too much buffering on all platforms. Really, software developers, set it so it buffer enough before it starts playing so playback isn’t interrupted.

Sometimes, a lot of the time, modern technology seems like it is in one giant beta test. Being a sysadmin, I see hardware and software fail to do really basic things all the time. Things like:
– servers locking up with no useful error logging to let me know why
– Apple’s crashing, with no error messages
– my new keyboard, of all things, needing to be unplugged and replugged at least once per day to work correctly

And with video, well that is supposed to be the new hotness on the web, but I for one still find it remarkably frustrating.

Post Revisions:

This post has not been revised since publication.


3 responses to “Still Waiting for Video on the Web to Work”

  1. mummersem Avatar

    I know that I’m not as much computer literate (PERHAPS I’LL GET BETTER), but I say something is attacking my ol’ slow computer when rebooting or unplugging still I click with no responses on those (INFO BLUE LINES — for lack of knowledge of what they are called) but only a “BLIP”.


  2. mummersem Avatar

    To the sy sad min: (or as I finally figured out systems administrator)

    I figured out that the blue line I click on that does nothing but make a blip is called a link. Am I right?

    slow learner

  3. mummersem Avatar

    Now thanks to my sys admin and brand new equipment I have so much computer, baby !!