Call of the Wild and Stanza

I just finished reading Call of the Wild by Jack London. I had been wanting to read something by Jack London for a while because, of course, he is regarded as a great writer, but also because he was a radical leftist.

Call of the Wild was a somewhat enjoyable read. I’ve definitely read better, though. The story seems a bit out there.

I read Call of the Wild on my iPhone using the Stanza app. I got the book for free from Project Gutenberg because this book is in the public domain, along with a great deal of other books. The app was a breeze to use: just tap left or right to flip pages. And when you start up the app it remembers which book you were on and which page on that book.

I am going to at least start reading American Power and the New Mandarins by Noam Chomsky next. It was his first political book.

Post Revisions:

This post has not been revised since publication.


One response to “Call of the Wild and Stanza”

  1. mummersem Avatar

    Many moons ago I did a slow read of this book, Call of the Wild by London and remember enjoying it. It was a paperback and I hope soon to reread it and compare thoughts with you on it.