Windows Vista

So Alyssa and I picked out a new Dell laptop for her. It’s arrived and I have some time tonight to play with it (and install WoW and MS Office).

I have to admit I was a little frustrated with it for the first 15-30 minutes. But it is starting to grow on me. It isn’t slow or anything. But I guess I am glad we got her 2GB of RAM. Because, for instance, Minesweeper is taking up 67MB. Wow. I am just glad it has over 1GB left over. But as a comparison, my Windows XP machine right now is using 1.2GB of RAM (out of 2GB). I have a remarkable amount of applications open, as I usually do. The biggest thing the Dell laptop has going is World of Warcraft installer. So yeah, I guess it is a little bloated. Seems nice, though, as long as you have the system to handle it.

And it took a little hunting for me to find this one…to do the neat flippy thing you’ve seen/heard about, hit Windows+Tab instead of Alt+Tab.

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One response to “Windows Vista”

  1. greg Avatar

    I’ve been running Vista since January, and there are a couple of other tweaks you might find useful:

    – CTRL-ALT-DEL pulls up the logoff/sleep/lock/task manager screen from Windows 2000. CTRL-SHIFT-ESC goes right to task manager.

    – If you haven’t turned off UAC yet:–disable-annoying-need-your-permission-to-continue-prompts-230866.php

    – In Windows Explorer/My Computer, if you hit ALT, you get the menus back (File, Edit, View, etc). I believe they’re hidden by default.

    Other than those two things, I’m pretty happy with Vista. It’s basically just XP with a GUI update, but IMO the Aero Glass interface is drop-dead gorgeous.