Author: FourMajor

  • Translink on MUNI?

    It can’t be true…I won’t believe it until I see it myself: MUNI finally enabled Translink?

    I really goddamn hope it is true.

  • Anand Reviews the Apple iPhone 3G

    Anandtech has been amazingly consistent for as long as I have been reading it, probably over 10 years by now. Amazing for a website if you ask me.

    Anand just put out one of the best and most detailed reviews I have read in a long time: Anand Reviews the Apple iPhone 3G.

    BTW, loving the new “Press This” feature of WordPress 2.6.

  • A New Idea For Completion of Goals

    As I was out running after work today, I had an idea on how I can get myself to complete my goals. You see, I had intended on going running this morning, but I didn’t quite make it. In general, I have been pretty good about my exercise this summer but not as good as I wanted to be.

    So my idea was to set a goal and set a monetary punishment for not meeting the goal. If the goal was to go running before work and I didn’t do it, I would put $5 in a bin set aside for that purpose. At the end of the month, I take whatever money is in the bin from the running goal and other goals and donate it somewhere.

    Of course this plan has its limitations too. I would need to be better with my money so I wouldn’t be dipping into the bin because I “need” the money. And I don’t think this plan would work well for goals that are monetary in nature. Other than that, I think I will start doing it and hopefully it will help me to complete more of my goals.

  • Miracle Fruit

    I want to try some miracle fruit, as seen on today’s Democracy Now. It makes things like lemons, tequila, cheese and Guinness taste sweet.

    It is rare and expensive though. I am mainly posting this here so that one day I remember to order some! Or maybe when I am in New York I will stop by the Garden of Eden store and get some if they are in stock.

  • Congress Makes Me Sick

    The Senate passed retroactive telecom immunity. The House had already passed this bill.

    Notice where Obama’s name falls on this one.

  • Late Wakeup

    The Tenderloin: The only place where I can wake up at 8:50am and still get to work at a decent time, showered and fed.

  • Inactive Activists

    I am planning a trip for New York City – I will be there from August 9 to August 18. One of my main goals while there is to connect with local activist, community and political groups.

    Unfortunately in my several hours of research so far I have not found one event worth attending. Actually, I haven’t even found one event. Whether it is anarchism, direct action or bicycling, there is as of yet nothing for me to attend.

    This drives home the point that activists, across the political spectrum generally, are disorganized and very small in number.

    True, I cannot speak much myself, which I’m not too proud of. But this is something that I think needs to change drastically.

    I will continue to search for groups in New York City. I still need to search around other issues like anti-war, environmentalism, fair housing and other things. And I would also like to try to find community groups like those who provide free food, health care and other services to those in need. I hope my search turns less depressing.

    Because activists often are battling against large corporations, they need to learn from these corporations and become disciplined and organized. It is never going to be enough to have two “organizing meetings” per month and one action every two months. It is never going to be enough to take a lackluster approach towards outreach and publicity. The large, successful corporations, while not nearly perfect, certainly don’t engage in these ineffective activities.

    I’m mad, and it is time for a change.

  • Maliki

    Prediction: Maliki isn’t going to last much longer as prime minister of Iraq.

    Because of… US rejects Iraqi demand for troops’ withdrawal timeline

  • It All Comes Together

    I have just noticed that a track on Dieselboy‘s newest mix CD, Substance D, includes some spoken word by Bill Hicks. Bill Hicks strongly influences Tool, my favorite band, and now he’s on my favorite DJ’s CD? Kind of neat…

  • Twitter Integration

    I am testing out Twitter integration with my blog using Twitter Tools. Hopefully this blog post will automatically show up as a tweet.