Category: Blatherings

  • One Red Paperclip

    One red paperclip is an amazingly entertaining and creative website. It documents the efforts of one man to start with a red paperclip, and trade up to a better item. He is attempting to continue this process until he ends up with a house. He currently has a snowmobile out of the deal.

    You may want to start reading the website from the beginning so it makes more sense. Click on the links on the left of the site to progress through the trades.

  • Don’t Swallow That Gum

    I happened to stumble upon this story. It isn’t for the faint of heart. Let’s just say you won’t ever catch me swallowing my gum.

  • freezer

    Only Alyssa and I will get this . . .

    We’re so very proud of Mr. Freezer . . .

  • Hyphens

    I have many quirks, some bordering on being obsessive-compulsive. One of my quirks is that I am rather anal about hyphen usage (and to a lesser extent, grammar in general). On that note, I admit that I don’t have perfect grammar. But I do have a great desire to learn how to write and speak clearly.

    So it is with deep regret that I annouce that one of my heroes, Ralph Nader, has written an article titled “The Corporate Controlled Media”. Let’s just hope we can blame his webmaster.

    Having said that, I just read the article, and I suggest you do the same. Another great read.

  • Yay!

    Ah, life is good!

  • My new aura

    I recently purchased some turntables, a mixer, and some records. And today, my new desk came in. Of course this meant “redesigning” my “aura”, which is what I like to call the expanse of electronics that surrounds me in my computer chair. Click here for the full gallery, or if you trust my discriminating taste then you can just look at the pretty pictures below.

    DJ table
    My DJ table with pretty lights.

    The whole aura in one shot
    The whole aura in one shot.

  • Diets suck

    Diets suck. I want jelly beans.

  • I love where I live

    I absolutely love the location of my apartment. Last night I went for a run north on Larkin street, past Ghiradelli square. As I extend my run I think I will run to the sea lions and back.

    And then this morning I find out there is an anti-Wal-Mart documentary coming out soon. It will be shown in select theatres (11 total in the country). One of them is 0.6 miles from my apartment. That makes it rather easy to go to.

  • Exam Rescheduled

    Well I just rescheduled my CCNA exam from tomorrow to Friday. That is a monkey off of my back. He was starting to scratch, too.

  • EFF

    So I wrote an email to the EFF. I’d like to volunteer some of my time to them. Hopefully they will find me worthy.