
  • The Saddest Thing

    I saw one of the saddest things I have ever seen a few days ago on my way to work. There was a man downtown with no legs. He was standing up, as much as a legless man can stand up, on a skateboard, which he was using to scoot himself around by pushing off against the sidewalk with his hands.

    And the thing is, in this city homeless and disabled people have plenty of services available to them. So I am guessing that he could have a wheelchair. But for one reason or another, he has decided to forgo the wheelchair. Maybe he had one but he sold it? Who knows. All I know is that that was a really horrible thing to see.

  • Diet at Day 25

    You probably noticed that the picture of my hairy beer belly did not appear on the site as “promised.” What a relief, eh? Well maybe I will eventually post some sort of “before” picture. But the real point is to lose weight. And that has been coming along very well.

    As of this morning, I have lost a total of 11 pounds. I am quite pleased with myself 🙂 Already my clothes are fitting better. I am really looking forward to getting down to 165. It will be nice to not have to carry around all of this unneeded weight. And I think when I get to that weight I might even join a basketball league. I think I will have my old speed back.

  • Project Stockton

    I have had a bunch of ideas floating around my head quite regularly for the past couple of years. These are ideas that have stuck with me, and not just floated off into nothing like some grand ideas often do.

    The ideas are for a revolutionary massively multiplayer online game. The main concepts are:
    – Everything in the world is player generated, except nature. There will be no NPCs (non-player characters). Any missions that exist will be player created. Any buildings and items will be player created.
    – You won’t be able to “see” your stats. If you want to know how good you are at bow hunting, you should shoot an arrow and see how accurate it is. You won’t see everyone’s name floating above their heads. If you want to know their name, you ask them.
    – The code will be released under the GPL (GNU Public License). I don’t like the concept of “owning” something that isn’t even tangible. The GPL allows anyone to see and use my source code. If they add on to the code, they also have to release their additions under the same license.

    I have a ton more ideas, and I will be adding them to my website shortly. I have set up my servers for this game, and you can find the links to the websites below.

    The name of the game is Project Stockton.

    Game websites:
    Main Project Stockton website. Here you will find official announcements, downloads, et cetera.
    Project Stockton developer blog. Here you will be able to track the progress of the developers (currently only me 🙂 ).
    Project Stockton wiki. This will be a place where anyone can contribute to any information about Project Stockton. This would be a good place for a game manual and in-game info.
    Project Stockton forums. Mainly meant for technical support, but also a meeting place for anyone that wants to talk about Project Stockton.
    Project Stockton bugtracking. Once there is actually some code, there will actually be some bugs. They will go here.

    I will start posting my progress on the PS blog, but I will put any big updates on this site as well. Stay tuned!

  • Another Work Update

    I am really liking my new job, for a few reasons:
    1) I have a lot of responsibility. If I do something wrong, a lot of people aren’t going to be able to get their work done.
    2) Unlike system administration and technical support, I don’t spend most of my time fixing problems. I spend most of my time preventing future problems.
    3) I don’t surf the web at work. There is always something to do.

  • Dumb Joke

    I am proud to say that I made this one up:

    So a repairman is at a grocery store working on a broken change dispensing machine at the checkout.

    The manager comes up to him and says, “What’s wrong with it?”

    The repairman replies, “I don’t know, it just doesn’t make any cents!”

  • How Much Wood…

    OK, we all know the little rhyme, “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”

    I always thought it should be, “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?”

  • Well, That’s One Way to Start my Diet

    When I got back from Maryland, my muscles were aching big time. I was hoping that it was just because of the tiny seat, but I knew in the back of my mind that I was sick.

    And yesterday I couldn’t really take off of work because of it, since it was my first day back. So I went to work feeling like crap. But at least I got some work done and I made it through the day. Of course the day would have been a little easier if I had remembered my Tylenol. I came home last night and went straight to bed after a bath. I slept from 6:30pm to 4am.

    I weighed myself yesterday morning and this morning…and because of being ill I have lost 3.5 pounds. A horrible way to do it, but you’ve got to look at the bright side of things. 🙂

    I don’t think today will be much better. My muscles are aching less and I don’t have a headache yet, but my throat is horribly sore. Ouchie! I hate getting sick.

  • Uncharacteristically, I Can’t Sleep

    I usually fall asleep very easily. Not tonight. It is not something that particularly worries me, but a short while back I was listening to a podcast with a sleep expert and he said that if you can’t fall asleep, then you should get out of bed and write down your thoughts. Well, I have been a bit behind on updating my blog anyway, so I figured I would throw some stuff on here.

    It may sound a bit cheesy, but my new year’s resolution is to lose weight. I am sparing myself the stress of worrying about it until after (the day after, to be exact) I get back from Maryland. So I will start on January 3. I will be sure to make a post that includes my current weight, my target weight, and a picture of my belly. So if you are easily creeped out by a hairy beer belly, then you might want to block all images originated from the domain. I am going to do this for a before/after effect.

    One thing that I have recently learned, and that I have previously written about, is that if I am to stop something, it has to be cold turkey. So for the purpose of my diet, I am going to completely abstain from all things sugary until I hit my goal weight. And same goes for grease. And mixed drinks. And non-light beer (I am not ready to give up drinking altogether, otherwise what would William and I find to do together?).

    This is a difficult block to live on to avoid those things. Without crossing a street, I can go to my favorite ice cream shop in the entire country and my second favorite pizza place in the entire country. They’ll be missing out on my business for a few months.

    I have decided that once I hit my target weight, I am not going to allow myself to go above it. I haven’t felt this motivated about losing weight in, well, ever.

    On to other news, I went from worst barber shop experience ever to best barber shop experience ever. Thanks to Yelp, I discovered 1512 Barber Shop. It is about 10 blocks from my apartment and well worth the walk. Sal is a very friendly, soft-spoken, and professional barber. For the first time in my life, I made an appointment to get a hair cut, and surprisingly I didn’t feel strange doing it. A two-chair barber shop, 1512 has been open for about six months, and I learned that Sal had most or all of the furniture custom made in Mexico. Even though it has been open for such a short time, the barber shop really has the feeling that it has been around for a long time. It was the most I have ever spent for a haircut ($20), and I felt like it should have cost more. I think I will go there once a month and get a haircut and a straight-razor shave. Sal described it as taking an hour and a half and being like a massage. Sounds like a man’s version of a pedicure. Count me in.

    Last but absolutely not least, I have recently returned from Maui, where I was vacationing for a week with Alyssa’s family. What a great time we had. I was fortunate enough to have joined them on the trip in which they stayed in the nicest condos they have had yet. The view from our condo was absolutely beautiful. We ate like kings (I have never had such tasty pineapple!), I learned of a great Hawaiian breakfast (papaya topped with banana), we had the best sushi I have ever tasted at Sensei’s and the best overall meal I have had in a long time at a restaurant, the name of which I don’t remember. And to top it all off, I ate the most in one sitting that I have in a long time (three t-bone steaks; I really don’t know how I did it).

    Other than eating, which by itself would have made it a great week, we went snorkeling at Molokini and we went to the Ocean Center. Just how I like it, the vacation wasn’t too jam-packed with activities, leaving plenty of time to bum around and read.

    I kind of feel like a bum, having not earned almost any money since September and taking two straight vacations. Yet I know that I accomplished something very valuable in those months and when I get back to San Francisco on the 2nd, I will have months of hard work ahead of me, both at work and on my new year’s resolution, before I have my next major break.

    And on a side note, I had a bit of a realization yesterday. I think I realized what brings me a great deal of happiness. As I was out running errands on foot, I was enjoying walking around the city. So in life, you have the things that you enjoy doing and you have the things that you have to do. I don’t think the hard part is enjoying the things that you like to do anyway. I think the hard part is bringing the most enjoyment to the things that you have to do. And while I would rather be doing a great number of things rather than visiting the Coinstar at Cala Foods, at least I can walk next to the cable car on my way home, among many other pleasant sights in my neighborhood.

    I leave you with this picture of the view from our condo in Maui:

    Oh yeah, and mele kalikimaka.

  • Work Update at One Week

    I put in a fourteen-hour day yesterday. It didn’t seem like a fourteen hour day at all.

    From 10am until 6pm I was mostly doing research and the such and getting my cube in order. I also got a working badge to access the building. I have a working sfchronicle email address. I like feeling more official, rather than just like the “new guy.” Now I just have to get my smart phone, which should be coming soon, with a 415 area code even (which will make me feel less like a new guy to the city, with my 443 area code and all).

    From about 6pm to 12am we had to reassign IP addresses on tons of printers. We were talking IP addresses, ARP, DNS, and servers. My opinion mattered and I was respected. It was great.

    Now tomorrow I am off to Hawaii until the 22nd with Alyssa’s family. Yipee!

  • jot a gob

    Today I officially got a job with I.S. Logistics, a small company that does work for large companies. I will be working at the San Francisco Chronicle as a network engineer.

    So very happy. This is the job I studied for.